Chiropractor in Memphis TN Provides Tips to Help A Breech Baby

Chiropractor in Memphis TN Provides Tips to Help A Breech Baby

Chiropractor in Memphis TN Provides Tips to Help A Breech Baby

“Your baby is breech,” one of the most dreaded phrases a woman can hear in her third trimester of pregnancy. This finding is usually followed up with a discussion about what will happen if the baby does not turn (the word starts with “C”). This leaves many women feeling defeated and fearful about the birth of their baby. Top Memphis TN chiropractor provides some tips on what you can do if you find yourself in this situation. Ready?

Tips To Help Your Breech Baby in Memphis TN

  1. Relax - I know, I said it…probably the second worst thing for a future momma to hear in this situation. It’s almost like someone asking if you are crabby—I’m terrible. If this offends you, please punch a pillow for me. If you are still reading this after I’ve offended you, thanks, and let’s continue! What I mean by “relax” is take a deep breath because if you are stressed, chances are your baby is also feeling stressed, which will make him or her less likely to want to turn.
  2. Hydrate - Evaluate your water intake—are you drinking at least 11-13 glasses of water? If you aren’t hydrated, your fluid levels can be suboptimal and not give the baby the ability to turn.
  3. Check your posture - Are you sitting up straight, is your belly falling between your legs, or are you sitting with your back rounded? If you are doing the latter, this constrains the pelvis and gives the baby less womb to move (see what I did there?). SO, sit up straight and let the belly fall between the legs, and yes, this does require that you sit in a less “lady like” fashion, but who cares.
  4. Wash your floors the old-fashioned way - How’s that for multitasking? Nest while trying to turn a baby? Sounds like a plan!!! In all seriousness, try to be on all fours as much as possible, and this also will help encourage the baby to turn.
  5. Check out spinning babies - This website has so many wonderful suggestions.
  6. And THE MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE - Please, please, see an ICPA-trained Webster Certified chiropractor. So often the cause of a breech baby is literally lack of womb. Constraints in the pelvis, most often caused by sacral rotation (the triangle bone between the dimples in your lower back). When this bone rotates, it causes the uterus to shift/rotate. This can be felt by mom in a number of ways: lower back pain, pubic bone pain, and round ligament pain, just to name a few. The best time to perform the Webster technique is around 34 weeks, though we do have success later in pregnancy as well. We typically perform this technique as often as possible until the baby turns. The reason for this is relaxin, which is a hormone present in high amounts during pregnancy and is at its highest prior to delivery. It works to help loosen the ligaments so the pelvis can expand for the birth, and this is GREAT for the birthing process, but it also makes keeping the pelvis open difficult as your body is more prone to “shifting” back out of alignment.

I hope you have found this to be both informative and EMPOWERING!!! If you are in the Memphis TN area, I am happy to see you here at Midtown Chiropractic (901.726.4523). If you are in the Collierville, TN area, please visit my husband, Dr. Jeff Carr, who is also Webster Certified and just so happens to be my chiropractor (so I can promise you he’s wonderful) at Natural Potential Chiropractic (901.861.0716).

If you are reading this and are outside of the Memphis TN area, please go to and click the “find a chiropractor” tab for the nearest Webster Certified chiropractor near you!!! Good luck!

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2:30pm - 6:00pm

9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

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9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:30am - 1:00pm
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8:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Midtown Chiropractic

204 N Evergreen St
Memphis, TN 38112

(901) 726-4523